Tag Archives: Sprituality

Late Night Thoughts By Danielle Sweeting

Dear late night thoughts,
As I lay in my bed my mind races at the speed of light, bouncing back and forth between subjects. I think about my family and friends, my mind wonder so deep in to eternity sometimes. The places my thought take me are so deep it scares me and I break out in to a cold sweet. Sometimes I wonder will I make it in this world… will I reach the goals that I have worked so hard to achieve…What if the goals I have be pursuing from the beginning of time are not even what I really want? As I lay in my bed, and focus on my late night thoughts I close my eyes and search my soul only to discover something that is so up lifting I will keep it in my memory forever until death do us part. ” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”-(King James Bible)

………And the my heart, mind,body, and soul is at peace glory is thy name Jesus.